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Gartners Magic Quadrant for BI Platforms 2023

Every year in spring Gartner comes with its magic Quadrant for Business Intelligence and Analytics Platforms.

Here you can find a quick visual analysis of the 23 Magic Quadrant for Analytics and BI Platforms by Gartner.

The same three players are in the leader quadrant with only a slight move of Qlik to the right on the Completeness of vision axis. 

A couple of players from the Niche players quadrant went up to the Challenger quadrant - like Microstrategy, Alibaba cloud and AWS (Quicksight) - or to the Visionairies quadrant - like Pyramid analytics. 

For the rest Zoho and Tealius are moving up op the Ability to Execute axis, but stay in the same quadrant:

There are no new players entering the Quadrant this year, and one player is dropping out: Yellowfin.

Magic Quadrant for ABI platforms 2023

Here's a reminder of the 2022 quadrant.

Thinking about selecting a business intelligence platform or dashboarding tool? Give me a shout!